Bodytalk Blog
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Body Positive Quotes to Remind Us That Sexy is a Mindset Not a Number
While most of us, aren't just as obsessed with fitness, health, and wellbeing, there are some seriously problematic areas in this industry. Chief among those is how the fitness and nutrition world can become “diet and exercise culture” which can be a breeding ground...
Healthy Body and Healthy Mindset
Did you know that being healthy is about looking after your wellbeing. It all about the mental, physical, spiritually, even emotional. It's all encompassing. All of these basically go hand in hand in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle! Having a good state of mind...
Energy-Boosting Caffeine Alternatives for a Super Charged Morning
Ditching caffeine may be a whole lot easier than you think, here’s how. Come on, let’s face it, that morning cup of coffee is part of most of our AM routines. For many of us, it’s the very first thing we do. Drink the coffee, then do the things. Nothing...
Main Causes of Unnecessary Stress & How to Avoid Them
Let’s take care of spring cleaning the unnecessary stress from our life. With so many innate stressors in our society, why add self-inflicted stress to your plate? If you find yourself ruminating over past events, overthinking every future scenario, and letting...
FAT is not a Bad Word
HAVE YOU BEEN GUILTY OF THIS..... There have been many many times in the past that I have said the words to myself. "I am so fat." "Urgh why did I eat so much, I feel fat.""Does this (insert clothing item) make me look fat?" "I just smell or look at a brownie and I...
Build Your Self-Esteem By Conquering Challenges
Build Your Self-Esteem By Conquering Challenges Do you feel as though you’re in a rut? Does nothing feel engaging or entertaining? When you want to make sure you’re still in the right direction and you don’t want to settle for a mundane life, you’ll discover that...
Love Your Body
Think about what you love about your body.Instead of letting your mind think about what you want to change about your body. Think about what you currently love about your body. This may feel totally strange at first, just give it time and practice, practice, practice!...
You have all heard me talk over and over about self-care and why it's so important. Because IT IS! And here are some more things you can put into practice. FIRST......WHAT IS SELF-CARE? It's silly I know. We should all know what...
10 Ways to Practice Self-Care When You Only Have 10 Minutes
If your vision of “self-care" is Sundays spent sleeping till noon, applying sheet masks, and doing the crossword in your pajamas, you're not far off. But self care practices can (and should!) also be bite-size actions that easily slip into your daily routine,...
Healthier Recipes for Unhealthy Cravings
If you’re craving: Spicy potato chips… Edamame with Wasabi and Sea Salt prep time: 10 minutes | cook time: 10 minutes | makes 2 servings 2 cups frozen edamame beans (in pod)1 tsp coconut oil1 tsp Kosher salt½ tsp wasabi paste or powder Bring a medium-sized pot...
15 of the Best Foods to Eat When You’re Sick
There are a number of classic foods people turn to when they're sick. Many of these foods are feel-good staples for a reason; they can unclog your airways and lessen mucus, improving your outlook even as they gently ease symptoms of the cold or flu. Here are ten...
Ways to Take Care of Yourself During the Holidays
Practice self-compassion. Try not to judge or diminish your feelings, rather meet where you are with friendliness, as if you were greeting a loved one. Remember you are your own best friend. the most important person in your life, is you. Breathe through the pain....