Bodytalk Blog
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Things To Be Thankful For In Life
Good Health Even if your health isn’t great, it could be worse and you likely still have some working parts to be thankful for. Money in the Bank Having just a few coins makes you richer than most people on Earth. Good Friends Often, it’s the quality of friendships,...
15 Positive Affirmations That Seem Both Optimistic and Realistic
Maybe there’s an affirmation for everyone. Here are 15 positive affirmations that might work for fellow cynics: I am safe.I am loved.This too shall pass.I am grounded, protected, and safe.I have the support I need and will lean into it as necessary.I’ve got...
17 Amazing Sources of Vegan Protein
The best ways to get your protein in on an animal product-free diet.Hands down, the number one question a vegan is asked is, “Where do you get your protein?” While vegan protein does indeed exist, it’s not a totally bonkers question, given that the sources of protein...
Healthy, High-Fat Foods to Keep You Full and Satisfied
When it comes to healthy-fat foods, you probably know that avocado is one of them. As people have slowly come around to the idea that fat is not the enemy, this nutritional powerhouse has become a meal prep staple for many in recent years.But there are plenty of other...
How to Manage Anxiety and Isolation during the Quarantine
Reframe “I am stuck inside” to “I can finally focus on my home and myself” As dismal or doom and gloom as the world may feel right now, think of the mandated workfrom-home policy as an opportunity to refocus your attention from the external to theinternal. Doing one...
100 things to do while stuck inside due to a pandemic
Complete a puzzle: The more pieces the better! Feeling extra saucy? Take on a Rubik'sCube. More of a word person? Crossword puzzle!Start a journal or blog. Sure, it can be about the coronavirus, but it could also be abouta specific interest from chess to cheese.If it...
100 little things that bring us joy during the coronavirus pandemic
Nabbing a pack of toilet paper at the grocery store.DJ D-Nice’s epic Instagram Live parties.A White Claw hidden in the back of your fridge.A toy that keeps your kid entertained for longer than five minutes.A toy that occupies your dog for longer than five minutes.Dua...
100 movies to watch for every cinematic yearning during the quarantine.
When you need something out of this world: “Aliens” (1986): Our queen Sigourney Weaver vs. a cosmic queen is a sci-fi all-timer.“Arrival” (2016): Amy Adams communicates with aliens and at this point we’re envyingher hazmat suit.“E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial” (1982):...
28 Weight Loss Secrets
Weight Loss Secret #1: Brown your chicken with black tea instead of oil. Zero caloriesand it really works! I do this all the time. Weight Loss Secret #2: Eat protein during breakfast. Start off your day the right way. Weight Loss Secret #3: Break up your food into 5...
50 Foods That Are Super Healthy
1–6: Fruits and berriesFruits and berries are among the world’s most popular health foods.These sweet, nutritious foods are very easy to incorporate into your diet because theyrequire little to no preparation. ApplesApples are high in fiber, vitamin C, and numerous...
Foods That Can Harm Your Immunity
Poor eating habits can be harmful to your immune system.Eating a healthy diet plays a critical role in supporting our immune system, which protectsus from a wide array of disease-causing pathogens, including the deadly coronavirus.While no foods are "good" or "bad"...
Self-Care Assessment
Self-care activities are the things you do to maintain good health and improve well-being.You’ll find that many of these activities are things you already do as part of your normalroutine.In this assessment you will think about how frequently, or how well, you are...