Magic of Eating

Magic of Eating

It’s not just what you eat that’s important! The magic of the HOW How you eat is just as important as what you eat! This is often overlooked yet the key to resolving our issues with food. If you overeat, stress eat, emotionally eat, obsess over what you eat, obsess...
Mindful eating….fad or fact

Mindful eating….fad or fact

Is mindful eating just another fad diet? Mindfulness is having a moment right now but it’s more than just a trend.  It may sound a little fluffy but mindful eating is a game changer when it comes to improving your relationship with food.  I’ll be honest, it...
Love Your Body

Love Your Body

Think about what you love about your body.Instead of letting your mind think about what you want to change about your body. Think about what you currently love about your body. This may feel totally strange at first, just give it time and practice, practice, practice!...
Healthier Recipes for Unhealthy Cravings

Healthier Recipes for Unhealthy Cravings

If you’re craving: Spicy potato chips… Edamame with Wasabi and Sea Salt prep time: 10 minutes | cook time: 10 minutes | makes 2 servings 2 cups frozen edamame beans (in pod)1 tsp coconut oil1 tsp Kosher salt½  tsp wasabi paste or powder Bring a medium-sized pot...