Keeping a journal of the things you’re grateful for has been shown to have a powerful effect
on mental wellbeing. Among other benefits, journaling about gratitude reduces stress,
increases happiness, and improves self-esteem.
Instructions: Two times a week, write a detailed entry about one thing you are grateful for.
This could be a person, a job, a great meal with friends, or anything else that comes to mind.
Journaling Tips

Don’t rush to write down the first thing that comes to your mind. Take time to truly
think about what you’re grateful for. Expect each entry to take between 10-20 minutes.

Writing about the people who you’re grateful for tends to be more powerful than
writing about things.

Explain, in detail, why you’re grateful. For example, if you’re grateful for a friend who is
nice, describe what they do that’s nice, and why that makes you grateful.

Aim for two solid entries each week. Keep your journal somewhere you’ll see it, and
plan when you can write. Set an alarm on your phone if you might forget.

Journaling Prompts
Note: The use of prompts is optional. Feel free to write about anything for which you are grateful.

Someone whose company I enjoy… A fun experience I had…

The best part about today… An act of kindness I witnessed or received…

A reason to be excited for the future… Someone I can always rely on…

A valuable lesson I learned… Something I can be proud of…

Someone who I admire… An unexpected good thing that happened…

Something beautiful I saw… An experience I feel lucky to have had…
