Liza Lomax
Holistic Success Coach
Helping Extra-achievers, Perfectionists, People Pleasers, and all types of Business owners mend the mind-body connection that often keeps them stuck from prioritizing themselves, in the spins of emotional eating, mindset, body image and poor health.
As individuals, we tend focus so much on whats wrong with ourselves and not whats wonderful about ourselves. Love your body love yourself. I will take you from from “Urgh I don’t like this about me” to “Oh my I am beautiful being, amazing, desirable and confident.”
My Story
When I was younger, all the girls in school looked better then me, smarter than me, did everything better than me, I thought. All the women in fashion magazines were all beautiful, skinny looked like they had it all together. I wanted to emulate them. I thought that was what I was supposed to look like, be like, act like.
Why could I just look like someone else? Why could I not be someone else? Why can’t I just look like the people in magazines, on TV, in the movies? These questions flooded my mind constantly over and over.
I came from a home that didn’t have a lot of love in it. I was constantly told I was doing everything good enough. If I did this, I would be so much more successful, if I did it this way, I could be going so much farther, that I eventually believed it and repeated that in my head over and over. I also believed my body wasn’t perfect and it needed to be like everyone else. I tried everything to look and feel different. I was also in the closet for being gay and didn’t have any stable, supporting outlets to turn to, being I live in a religious household. I was also highly intuitive, empathic and was able to see others that had crossed over. Having those gifts (which I didn’t see them that way at the time) was an even bigger no no, being in that religious household.
I struggled not only with my gifts, also with emotional eating, anorexia, bulimia, perfectionism, people pleaser, doortmat to everyone. I would shove multiple diet pills down my mouth. I would wear rubber bands on my wrists and would snap them every time I reached for food. I would eat and eat and then take laxatives to get it all out.
I also tried every diet pill, every diet fad there was. You name it, I tried it. Some would work and some wouldn’t. The fix was always temporary. The weight would come back and then some.
As a teenager I was a little heavier than most kids. And I didn’t like it so I would starve myself and then I would binge eat. I would sneak in alcohol or when I would visit my Grandmother, I would sneak in a drink or two. It numbed everything, even my spiritual gifts. By the time I was in my twenties, I went the complete opposite and ate and ate and ate. I got up and over 300 pounds. I was so afraid of myself, my potential, who I was, the body I was in, that I ate and created this barrier around me.
I struggled so much I did things to my body that were so hurtful and painful. I was constantly stressed. I struggled with anxiety, depression, I had so much angry and sadness in me, it was overwhelming, so I ate.
By the time I was 26, I was told by a doctor that if I didn’t lose the weight I wouldn’t live to see my son turn 5, he was 2 at the time. I had high cholesterol, high blood pressure and I was border-line diabetic. A friend had recommended I Weight Watchers and in 13 months I lost 105 pounds.
However I still continued to yo yo diet even after that. Some weight would come back on and some I would lose again.
I still maintained that mindset of not worthy, not good enough, not loving myself. And continued on the cycle of depression and anxiety.
I learned much later, after hitting rock bottom, that it had nothing to do with the weight. The weight was just a symptom of an even bigger problem going on inside. One that I didn’t want to see, deal with, and or handle and heal. Obviously, I figured it out or I wouldn’t be where I am today and you wouldn’t be here reading this.
I would love to hear your story and I invite you to hop on a call with me, today, to share that story.
Guest Appearances
In Person
- Polka Dot Powerhouse – San Diego – 7/8/2020
- Polka Dot Powerhouse – Bensalem – 7/8/2020
- Polka Dot Powerhouse – Petaluma – 7/23/2020
Polka Dot Powerhouse – Twin Cities – 8/13/2020
Polka Dot Powerhouse – Dakota Valley Chapter – 8/19/2020
Polka Dot Powerhouse – Albuquerque – 8/26/2020 and 8/27/2020
Polka Dot Powerhouse – Twin Cities – 9/17 /2020
Polka Dot Powerhouse – Monument CO – 10/7/2020
Polka Dot Powerhouse – Wausau – 10/8/2020
- Polka Dot Powerhouse -Haverhill PA – 12/2/2020
- Polka Dot Powerhouse – Kitsap WA – 12/21/2020
- Polka Dot Powerhouse – Hanover MA 01/06/21
- Polka Dot Powehouse – Rainer Foothills WA 02/03/21
- OPWP MN 02/23/21
- Coming soon- Polka Dot Powerhouse-Canada, San Mateo CA, Sonoma CA and Harrisburg VA
- 30 days of Renewal Peace & Wellbeing Online Summit
- Women on Fire
- Metro West PDP 04/19/21
- Highlands Ranch PDP 4/19/21, 4/20/21
- Canada PDP 04/21/21
- Harrisburg VA PDP 05/18/21
- Shakopee PDP 09/10/21
- Wilimington DE PDP 09/21/21
- Bensalem PDP 10/06/21
- The Biz Sister Show 12/28/21
- Fenix TV
- Milwaukee PDP 01/07/22
- Worchester PDP 02/23/22
- Brandon Drake Show 10/10/22
- United Kingdom PDP 11/15/22
- Thrive Creative Community 02/07/23
- Albuquerque PDP 02/14/23
- Spring of Possibilities 2023 03/07/23
- Embrace Your Body Now Summit 05/03/23
- YaaMas 07/07/23
- Food Over Pharma 07/28/2023
- Embrace Your Natural Beauty Summit 09/18/23
- Business Culture Summit 04-15th Dec 2023
- Holistic Health Summit 12/08/23
- Petaluma PDP 01/09/24
- Women’s Virtual Business 01/24/24
- Virtual’s Networkers Group 01/30/24
- Lasting Weight Loss Summit 02/12/24
- Australia PDP 03/05/24
- Ignited Entrepreneurs- Jessica Coulthard
- Friction Awesome Entrepreneur -Alissa Daire
- Badass Direct Sales Mastery Podcast-Jennie Bellinger
- She’s INVINCIBLE-Kamie Lehmann
- Artfully Told-Lindsey Dinneen
- Oueer and Woo-Marjorie
- Discovering WISE-Carrie Guarrero
- Just Minding My Business Media-Ruth and Ida
- Her Laundry Unfolded- Wendy Babcock
- Empty Nester Podcast-Cora Naylor
- Leading Ladies Leaving Legacies -Joy Ruffen
- The Spiritual Spruce- Alaina DaRin
- LivFearlessly-Rebecca Plautz
- The Fab Factor-Dorris Burch
- Recovering Mentally – Jess Rowe
- Fearless Living – Kelly Sayre Fox
- Successful’ish – Sarah Michelle
- Coen Vazquez – Today Love Looks Like…..
- Inner Spirit-Mark Laurie
- Healthy, Wealthy, Wise-Lois Koffi
- Selfish Badass-Krista Resnick
- LivFearlessly-Rebecca Plautz
- The Resilient Entrepreneur
- Women’s Pelvis Wellness
- PR Weekly-Sari Cicurel
- Creative Nomad
- Purpose Cafe-Cymber Quinn
- Catalyst Consulting
- Flaunt-Lora Cheadle
- IKarro-Oliver Cowlishaw
- Be Brilliant-Irma Vargas
- Beauty Wisdom-Holly Billcki
- Ignite Your Action-Kate Benner
- Wino Health Coach
- Lizbeth Meredith
- Marla Miller
- Monique Toonen
- Beautifully Confident-Kelly Buckley
- Travelers Heart-Julie Zolfo
- Joyfully Prepared-Wendi Bergin
- Nicole Johnson
- Beautifully Confident-Kelly Buckley
- Anne Zuckerman
- Queer Changemakers
- Hanna Olivas
- Coach Ingrid
- Blueprints for Brillance-Kirsten & Jeanne
- Fearless Generation
- Cathy Gunter