Ditching caffeine may be a whole lot easier than you think, here’s how. 

Come on, let’s face it, that morning cup of coffee is part of most of our AM routines. For many of us, it’s the very first thing we do. Drink the coffee, then do the things. Nothing comes before your morning coffee. Don’t bother you until after you’ve had your coffee.  

And, while coffee isn’t always the enemy, it may not be the best choice for everyone. I personally found that out the hard way. So, whether you’re looking for a caffeine alternative to finally ditch the coffee habit, or coffee just doesn’t settle with you, I have some tips.  

I am going to share with you all, the details on the top ten favorite caffeine alternatives that will leave you feeling energized and productive all morning.  

Here is the 411 on Caffeine.   

Ok, so what’s the deal? I’m I really telling you not to have that morning cup?  

While studies show that small amounts of caffeine (like 400 mg per day, which equals roughly 4 cups) is usually tolerated by most healthy adults, caffeine isn’t for everyone. Plus, everyone’s caffeine tolerance is extremely different.  

For those who don’t tolerate caffeine well, caffeine jitters may hit hard after chugging that morning brew. For others, caffeine may lead to some uncomfortable digestive upset.  

But we all could use a little pick-me-up in the AM, right? So, while caffeine may not be the best choice (at least in excess), I’m sharing some pretty darn amazing caffeine alternatives that are sure to leave you feeling energized without feeling edgy. 

Want in? I got you.  

Here are some Caffeine Alternatives to Leave You Energized to take on the Day  

Try Golden Milk 

 Not only is it delicious, but it’s an incredibly nutrient-dense way to start your day and fuel your body with powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients.  

Here’s a recipe for making a creamy turmeric latte. PS. It makes a yummy dessert swap. 

Serves: 1 


  • 1 cup almond milk, or milk of choice 
  • ½ tsp turmeric 
  • ½ tsp cinnamon 
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper 
  • 1 pinch ground ginger 
  • 1 tsp coconut oil 
  • 4 drops vanilla stevia (optional) 


  1. Add the milk to a saucepan over medium heat. Once warm, add the rest of the ingredients. Remove once heated.  
  1. Pour into mug and enjoy! 

Bring in Natural Light. 

Hop out of bed and open those blinds! Getting more light in the morning helps you feel more alert. Plus, getting more light in the AM, and staying away from that blue light coming from our electronics at night helps regulate our circadian rhythms.   

The result? Feeling more awake in the morning and ready to wind down your day when it’s time to hit the hay.  

Add Some Cold Water to Your Shower  
Right before you get ready to get out of the shower, turn on the cold water. While this may sound like the last thing you want to do, it may give you that much-needed morning energy boost.  

Cold showers have been found to help us feel more alert, making it a great way to get the energy flowing without the caffeine.  

Sip on Peppermint Tea 

There’s something super refreshing about peppermint tea, and it may just give you that pep in your step you need first thing in the AM.  

Research suggests that peppermint may come with some impressive energy-boosting properties, so go on and get sipping. And, if you’re feeling adventurous, grow your own peppermint at home to make a DIY brew each morning (yum!)  

Try Chai Tea 

Chai tea fans, this one’s for you (and one of my favs). While traditional chai tea does have some caffeine, it’s much less than that morning cup of coffee. Plus, you can get decaf to avoid caffeine altogether.  

And not only does chai tea serve as a great morning energizer, but it’s also been found to help support blood sugar levels (thanks to the cinnamon content).  

Need another excuse to sip on this delicious morning beverage? Research shows that chai tea may also help reduce appetite and help prevent overeating throughout the day (win, win!)  

Need a yummy recipe? This Creamy Vanilla Chai Latte may just hit the spot! 

Creamy Vanilla Chai Latte  

Serves: 2 


  • 2 cups coconut milk 
  • 1 pinch ground cardamon 
  • 3 medjool dates, pitted 
  • 3 drops vanilla stevia (optional) 
  • 2 vanilla pods 
  • 4 small cloves 
  • 1 tsp cinnamon 
  • ½ cup cashews, soaked 


  1. Heat the coconut milk in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add all of the ingredients, except the cashews, and stir gently to combine. Remove from heat. 
  1. Pour the mix into a blender and add the cashews. Blend until your chai is smooth and frothy. Serve in a mug and sprinkle with more cinnamon, if desired. 

Blend Up an Energy-boosting Smoothie. 

Start your morning with an energy-boosting smoothie that will not only serve as a great coffee replacement but will fuel your body, keeping you satisfied until lunch.  

Try blending lots of energy-boosting foods (I’m looking at you, healthy fats!) Things like coconut or MCT oil (which I use daily), sliced avocado, and almond butter make great smoothie add-ins for some serious energy, and blood sugar support.  

Toss in your favorite fruits like blueberries, a frozen banana, and a handful of spinach. Mix it all together with your go-to dairy-free milk. One of my favs is Oat Milk. Its creamy and thicker than the others. 

Viola! Breakfast is taken care of, and you’re giving your body all the healthy fats it needs for sustained energy all morning.  

Want an added boost? Consider adding a scoop of your favorite protein powder for an added protein and probiotic boost!  Grab one that is without any artificial ingredients or sweeteners, and that is an excellent low-carb protein powder option to add to your caffeine-free morning shake. My favorite is Body Ecology Probiotic Protein Shake

Brew Some Herbal “Coffee” 

If it’s more the flavor of coffee that you’re looking for, try giving this caffeine alternative a try. Herbal coffee (like Teeccino) is made from herbs, and this brand uses Chicory root with a blend of natural ingredients like almonds and carob.  

It tastes like coffee but also nourishes your body without the added acidity or caffeine jitters.  

Try sipping on it in your favorite mug with a splash of coconut milk and a drizzle of raw honey for a caffeine-free way to start your day.  

Hydrate with Water 

Say what, hydrating with water as a caffeine alternative? Yeah, yeah, I know this one sounds far-fetched but sipping on a glass of water first thing comes with some serious health benefits (including energy).  

Being dehydrated is basically a recipe for serious fatigue and brain fog. We must break the overnight fast with a tall glass of water and a nourishing meal. This will help rehydrate the body, helping us feel more alert, and will help prevent dehydration from setting in.  

Add a flavor boost by squeezing in some fresh lemon juice, and a sprinkle of ginger. 

Resort to Decaf If Needed 

Want to drop the caffeine, but aren’t ready to do away with coffee completely? Try opting for decaf first, and then transition yourself onto one of the other caffeine alternatives.  

Heads up— If you’re used to drinking caffeinated beverages in the AM, don’t quit cold turkey! This can lead to massive headaches and irritability. Wean yourself off slowly to help avoid that extremely uncomfortable caffeine withdrawal.  

Get Moving with Your Favorite Music 

Play your favorite music on your morning walk or press play on your favorite workout where you can stream top hits before your busy day gets started. Exercise is an ideal way to get the blood flowing, helping us feel more energized. It’s basically the secret sauce to an energized morning that will help you feel on top of your game all day. 

Still Want Your Morning Cup O’Joe? Try Drinking it Like This Instead  

For the die-hard coffee lovers out there, I got you covered too. If the idea of giving up your morning cup seems like an impossible feat, here are some tips to help you supercharge that cup of joe, and possibly ease some of those caffeine jitters.  

  • Add a healthy fat like 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to your morning cup of coffee.  
  • Use ½ decaf, ½ regular to limit your caffeine intake.  
  • Use raw honey, coconut sugar, or monk fruit extract as your sweetener vs. regular sugar.  
  • Skip the heavy cream and choose a dairy-free option like coconut cream instead.  
  • Limit your morning caffeine intake to just 1-2 cups of coffee.  

Now you’re officially a caffeine alternative pro and know all the ways to boost those morning energy levels without a cup of coffee.  

So, if one of your health goals is to get off caffeine or limit how much you consume, give one of these ideas a try. It may just do the trick to help you start your day, caffeine-free! 
