Poor eating habits can be harmful to your immune system.
Eating a healthy diet plays a critical role in supporting our immune system, which protects
us from a wide array of disease-causing pathogens, including the deadly coronavirus.
While no foods are “good” or “bad” for your immune system, healthy eating habits are
crucial to maintaining strong immunity

Our immune system is on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
It includes our skin, enzymes in our tears and the numerous immune cells circulating in our
bloodstream. The immune system also includes the trillions of immune-modulating bacteria
residing within our guts.

We are constantly exposed to all kinds of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other potentially
disease-causing micro-organisms on a daily basis.

However, as long as our immune system is functioning well, we are largely able to resist

Nutrition plays a critical role in determining immune health.

Here are nine foods and beverages that can compromise your immunity:

Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol compromises the immune system by reducing the cells that fight infection.
Consuming alcoholic beverages increases your susceptibility to pneumonia, sepsis and poor
wound healing. It also triggers inflammation that can damage the lungs, which the
coronavirus attacks.
For optimal health, you shouldn’t drink alcohol.
If you do drink alcoholic beverages, whether you’re a man or a woman, you should limit
yourself to these amounts on a daily basis:
• Beer, no more than 12 ounces.
• Wine, 5 ounces.
• Liquor or spirits, 1.5 ounces.
Replacing alcohol with fruit- and herb-infused water such as watermelon and mint, an
herbal tea like ginger tea or a low-sugar kombucha would benefit your immune system.
Some herbs are high in anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, and kombucha and green tea are
fermented foods that promote good gut health.

Caffeine before bedtime

Consuming caffeine isn’t necessarily bad for your immune system. However, if it hinders
your sleep, that’s when it becomes a problem for your immunity. This is because adequate
sleep is crucial for proper immune function. Enough sleep ensures that your hormones are
functioning properly and that there is less inflammation in the body, bettering your
immune function.
Coffee isn’t the only thing you shouldn’t consume before bed.
You should also refrain from consuming these caffeine-laden items before bedtime:
• Caffeinated tea.
• Chocolate.
• Certain protein bars.

Canned or dried fruit

While seemingly healthy, dried or canned fruits often contain added sugar and therefore
imbalance your microbiome. Everyone has a microbiome, which is a collection of more than
100 trillion microbes that live in and on our body. The majority of these microbes are in
our large intestine.
Canned and dried fruits feed glucose and fructose to the unhealthy bacteria in your
microbiome, and also promote a craving for sweets by feeding yeast and other sugar-loving
microbes. Giving in to those cravings by consuming foods with added sugar can affect your
immune system.

Dairy products

While consuming dairy products can be beneficial for some people, for others it can lead
to inflammation, a leaky gut, food intolerance and reactions that can negatively affect the
immune system.
Many people benefit from cutting down on their dairy intake or abstaining entirely.
Dairy products include:
• Cow’s milk.
• Ice cream.
• Cheese.
• Yogurt.

Fast food

Burgers, burritos and fries from fast-food joints are tasty – but provide high amounts of
calories, fat and sodium. These food items are low in nutrients like vitamins and minerals.
On the other hand, foods rich in antioxidants, like fresh fruits and vegetables, contain
plenty of nutrients like vitamin C to help support your immune system. High fast-food
consumption means you’re less likely to be eating balanced meals with fruits and
vegetables as much as you should.

Food additives, preservatives and colorings

These products are highly processed and associated with inflammation, and they can lead
to imbalance in your bacterial communities. That in turn can affect your immune system.

Processed foods

Some processed foods claim to be “natural,” but contain significant amounts of sugar,
refined carbs and additives and preservatives that are associated with inflammation.
Higher levels of inflammation can weaken your immune system.
Processed foods include:
• Bacon.
• Lunch meats.
• Canned soups, vegetables and pasta with meat.
• Frozen dinners.

Refined foods

Eating refined foods can compromise your immune system and cause an imbalance in the
gut microbiome and critical collagen bacterial that keeps our bodies healthy.
Refined foods include:
• White flour.
• White pasta.
• White bread.
• Sugar.
Instead of refined foods, reach for whole-grain varieties of bread and pasta. Stay away or
greatly limit your intake of foods or beverages that contain added sugar.

Refined vegetable oils

Refined vegetable oils are highly processed and can lead to inflammation and imbalances in
bacterial communities, which can affect your immune system.
These vegetable oils include varieties like:
• Canola.
• Corn.
• Cottonseed.
• Soy.
• Sunflower.
Olive oils and coconut oils are healthier and are better choices.

To recap, here are 9 foods that can compromise your immunity:

• Alcoholic beverages.
• Caffeine before bedtime.
• Canned or dried fruit.
• Dairy products.
• Fast food.
• Food additives, preservatives and colorings.
• Processed foods.
• Refined foods.
• Refined vegetable oils.
Remember….to keep ourselves in tip top shape and healthy as a fiddle, lol, we need to make
sure we are taking in healthy foods. And not ones that will lower our immune system.
