Reframe “I am stuck inside” to “I can finally focus on my home and myself”

As dismal or doom and gloom as the world may feel right now, think of the mandated workfrom-home policy as an opportunity to refocus your attention from the external to the
internal. Doing one productive thing per day can lead to a more positive attitude. Set your
sights on long-avoided tasks, reorganize, or create something you’ve always wanted to.
Approaching this time with a mindset of feeling trapped or stuck will only stress you out
more. This is your chance to slow down and focus on yourself.
I have used this time to reflect, relax and rest all of me. It has been a great time to just
purge and release of all kinds fo things, not just physical. Right now you probably have piles
and piles of stuff to go to Goodwill. So thats stuff obviously you can release just let.
I am talking about going inside yourself and making some changes.

Stay close to your normal routine

Try and maintain some resemblance of structure from the pre-quarantine days. For those
individuals with children, sticking to a routine might be easier; however as you work from
home, it could be tempting to fall into a more lethargic lifestyle, which could lead to
negative thinking. Wake up and go to bed around the same time, eat meals, shower, adapt
your exercise regimen, and get out of your PJ’s. Do laundry on Sundays as usual. Not only
will sticking to your normal routine keep you active and less likely to spiral, it will be easier
to readjust to the outside world when it’s time to get back to work.

Avoid obsessing over endless Coronavirus coverage

Freeing up your day from work or social obligations gives you plenty of time to obsess, and
if you have a tendency to consult Google for every itch and sneeze, you may be overresearching the pandemic as well. Choosing only certain credible websites, for a limited
amount of time each day (perhaps two chunks of 30 minutes each or less) will be in your
best interest during this time.
I personally do not watch the news and I refuse to feed into the fear based BS of what is
going on. It’s not healthy, mind, body and or spirit. It’s toxic that you really do not need.
And it can cause your immune system to lower and you don’t want that during this time.

A chaotic home can lead to a chaotic mind

With all the uncertainly happening outside your home, keep the inside organized,
predictable and clean. Setting up mental zones for daily activities can be helpful to
organize your day. For example, try not to eat in bed or work on the sofa- just as before,
eat at the kitchen table and work at your desk. Loosening these boundaries just muddles
your routine and can make the day feel very long. Additionally, a cluttered home can cause
you to become uneasy and claustrophobic of your environment- so keep it tidy.

Start a new quarantine ritual

With this newfound time, why not do something special during these quarantined days? For
example, perhaps you can start a daily journal to jot down thoughts and feelings to reflect
on later (this is something I have my clients do a lot). Or take a walk every day at 4 pm,
connect with your sister, brother, mother, friend, whomever, over FaceTime every
morning, or start a watercolor painting which you can add to everyday. Having something
special during this time will help you look forward to each new day.
Letting go of illusions of control and finding peace in the fact that you are doing your part
to “flatten the curve” will certainly build mental strength to combat the stressful situation
the whole globe is experiencing.
