Self-care activities are the things you do to maintain good health and improve well-being.
You’ll find that many of these activities are things you already do as part of your normal
In this assessment you will think about how frequently, or how well, you are performing
different self-care activities. The goal of this assessment is to help you learn about your
self-care needs by spotting patterns and recognizing areas of your life that need more
There are no right or wrong answers on this assessment. There may be activities that you
have no interest in, and other activities may not be included. This list is not
comprehensive, but serves as a starting point for thinking about your self-care needs.

1-I do this poorly and I do this rarely or not at all
2-I do this OK and I do this sometimes
3-I do this well and I do this often
⭐-I would like to improve at this and I would like to do this more frequently

Physical Self Care
Eat Healthy Foods______
Take care of personal hygiene______
Wear clothes that help me feel good about myself______
Eat regularly______
Participate in fun activities (e.g. walking, swimming, dancing, sports)_ Get enough sleep_
Get preventative care (holistic or traditional)_ Rest when sick_
Overall physical self-care______
Psychological/Emotional Self-Care
Take time off from work, school, other obligations______
Participate in hobbies______
Get away from distractions (e.g. phone, email)_ Learn new things, unrelated to work or school_
Express my feelings in a healthy way (e.g.talking, creating art, journaling)_ Recognize my own strengths and achievements_
Go on vacations or day-trips______
Do something comforting (e.g. re-watch a favorite movie, take a long bath)_ Find reasons to laugh_
Talk about my problems______
Overall psychological and emotional self-care______

Social Self-Care
Spend time with people who I like______
Call or wrote to friends and family who are far away______
Have stimulating conversations______
Meet new people______
Spend time with people who I like______
Ask others for help, when needed______
Do enjoyable activities with other people______
Have intimate time with a romantic partner (if any)_ Keep in touch with old friends_
Overall social self-care______
Spiritual Self-Care
Spend time in nature______
Recognize the things that give meaning to my life______
Act in accordance with my morals and values______
Set aside time for thought and reflection______
Participate in a cause that is important to me______
Appreciate are that is impactful to me(e.g. music, film, literature)_ Overall spiritual self-care_

Professional Self-Care
Improve my professional skills______
Say no to excessive new responsibilities______
Take on projects that are interesting or rewarding______
Learn new things related to my profession_______
Make time to talk and build relationships with colleagues______
Take breaks during work______
Maintain balance between my professional and personal life______
Keep comfortable workspace that allows me to be successful______
Advocate for fair pay, benefits and other needs______
Overall professional care______
